🔪"Scalping" Limits

Why implement limits targeting scalpers?

DXS offers features that stand out in the trading world, such as zero slippage, no fees, and the fastest risk management ever created. These features, amongst others, have made it possible to adopt a nearly risk-free trading approach focusing on small market movements, a technique known as "scalping." Applying this technique on DXS can result in success rates of over 90%, a feat not achievable elsewhere. This underscores the exceptional opportunities and tools DXS offers.

However, to ensure that these advantages benefit a wide range of users and to encourage a variety of trading styles, we've implemented specific restrictions on scalping. This move aims to preserve the platform's value for everyone while fostering a diverse trading environment.

How do scalping limits work?

Each trader on DXS is assigned a variable scalping frequency limit, ranging from 5 to 80 profitable scalping trades allowed over the last 7 days (a 7-day trailing period). This means if a trader exceeds their allocated number of scalping trades within this timeframe, restrictions will apply.

What trades qualify as scalping?

A trade is considered scalping if it capitalizes on a market movement of less than 0.1% to 4.0%, with the exact percentage depending on the specific market and its volatility. The exact threshold will be prominently displayed in the respective market data information box.

What happens if a trader exceeds the scalping limit?

Should you surpass your designated scalping limit by closing too many scalping trades, the profits from any additional scalping trades beyond this limit will not be recognized (will be "voided"). Unless the affected trade is executed in the background (triggered by a stop loss or target price), you will be directly informed and given the option to delay closing, ensuring your profit is preserved.

What happens if a trader focuses on trading within the scalping limit?

Traders identified by DXS as deliberately and exclusively focusing on moves within the allowed limits will have their scalping frequency nullified.

What happens if a trader applies the "scalping" technique just beyond the thresholds?

Traders who are identified by DXS to be deliberately and exclusively focusing on moves just beyond the scalping threshold will be required to pay a liquidity fee on all trades. The exact liquidity fee rate can be anywhere between 0.05% and 0.10%, defined at the discretion of DXS.

Last updated